Cultures, Migrations, Borders - MigBord2016
from the Summer Schools
"Cultures, Migrations, Borders"

Photo: D. Glenti

Photo: D. Glenti

Photo: S. Scarso

Photo: S. M. Papadantonakis

Photo: S. Scarso

Photo: E. Petridou

Photo: E. Petridou

Photo: E. Petridou

Asylum seekers and Summer School participants on the beach
Photo: P. Karathanasis

Photo: P. Karathanasis

Photo: P. Karathanasis

Photo: M. Sheesley

Photo: M. Sheesley

Photo: E. Petridou

Photo: E. Petridou
Some of the responses to the question
‘Did the Summer School meet your expectations? Please indicate why.’
'Yeah, it was an amazing week.
The Summer School met fully my expectations not only in the academic area but also at a social level.'
‘The summer school did meet my expectations and was very well organized.
The lectures were very interesting and intense and through the fieldtrips I was also able to gain more practical knowledge and experiences.’
‘The value of money was great especially if we compare it to other summer schools.
The field trips were extremely worthy it as well.’
‘Yes, it certainly did. Of course there are many things that could be improved,
but all together you were able to create an inspiring space, a joyful learning environment and a living academic community, which to me was just perfect.
If I would redesign the form of university I would certainly look at this summer school.’