3rd International Summer School on Open & Collaborative Governance - OpenGOV2015

SCHOOL OF SCIENCES - Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering
29 Jun 2015 to 3 Jul 2015


Keynote Speakers

Athanassios Chrissafis, European Commission

Evi Christofilopoulou, Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Government, Greece

Archer Phil, ERCIM - W3C, France

Janssen Marijn, Technical University of DELFT, The Netherlands

Ferro Enrico, Polytechnic of Turin, Italia


Scientific Committee

Asserson Anne, University of Bergen Library, Norway

Charalabidis Yannis, University of the Aegean, Greece

Jeffery Keith,  Keith Jeffery Consultancy, UK

Koryzis Dimitris, Hellenic Parliament, Greece

Lekkas Dimitrios FragkiskosUniversity of the Aegean, Greece

Loukis EuripidesUniversity of the Aegean, Greece

Maragoudakis ManolisUniversity of the Aegean, Greece

Ramfos Antonis, INTRASOFT SA, Belgium

Ruppert Tobias, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany

Tountopoulos Vasilis, Athens Technology Center, Greece

Tsiavos Prodromos, City University of London, UK



Organizing Committee

 Χαραλαμπίδης Yannis Charalabidis, Assistant Professor, University of the Aegean

loukis Euripides Loukis, Associate Professor, University of the Aegean

Χάρης Charalambos Alexopoulos, Ph.D Candidate, University of the Aegean

Βάσω Vasiliki Diamantopoulou, Ph.D Candidate, University of the Aegean

Αγγελική Aggeliki Androutsopoulou, Ph.D Candidate, University of the Aegean