Shipping, Transportation and Trade: Current Advances and Market Perspectives for World Shipping Leaders - STTCAMP2015

SCHOOL OF BUSINESS - Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport
27 Jul 2015 to 6 Aug 2015

The invited speakers will be experts with successful careers in the Sectors of Shipping and Transport, who have close cooperation with the Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport and support its activities and will share with the participants their experiences and present them good business practices.

More Specifically:

- Nikolaos Litinas, Emeritus Professor of the University of the Aegean, Former Secretary General of Shipping

- George Xiradakis, President of the International Propeller Club of the USA


- Emy Apostolopoulou, Attica Metro

- Professor Konstantinos Goulias, University of Santa Barbara - California (USA)

- Professor Thierry Vanelslander, University of Antwerp (Belgium)