First Summer School in Electronic Business - eBiz2013
1. Drossos D., Scientific Coordinator, University of the Aegean (UoA) (CV)
2. Mitrou L., e-Business Law, UoA (CV)
3. Kokolakis S., Hyperspace Security, UoA (CV)
4. Maragoudakis M., Data Mining, UoA (CV)
5. Zeimpekis V., e-Supply Chain, UoA (CV)
6. Doukidis G., Digital Entrepreneurship, Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) (CV)
7. Giaglis G., Vice Rector, AUEB (CV)
8. Karlis D., Predictive Analytics, AUEB (CV)
9. Kafeza E., Digital Marketing, AUEB (CV)
10. Lekakos G., Digital Content, AUEB (CV)
11. Papageorgiou X., Text Mining and Analysis, Institute for Language and Speech Processing (CV)
12. Coursaris C., Social Media Marketing, Michigan State University (MSU) (CV)
13. Wietske Van Osch, Social Media and Online Communities, MSU (CV)
14. Irene Christopoulou, PhD Candidate, UoA (CV)
15. Theodore Apostolatos, PhD Candidate, UoA (CV)
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The “University of the Aegean Summer Schools” are supported by the project «The University of the Aegean, the prominent and driving factor for the economic and social growth of the wide Aegean area» of the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning”, which is co-funded by European Union (European Social Fund) and National Resources.