Shipping and Transport Markets and Business Perspectives - STTCAMP2013

ΣΧΟΛΗ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ ΤΗΣ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΣΗΣ - Τμήμα Ναυτιλίας και Επιχειρηματικών Υπηρεσιών
10 Ιουν 2013 έως 15 Ιουν 2013

The Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport of the University of the Aegean, member of TRANSPORTNET, is hosting its new in-depth Summer Course on Shipping & Transport Markets and Business Perspectives from June 10 until June 15, 2013, on Chios island, Greece.


The aim of the course is to provide transport researchers, PhD students and young professionals with a thorough foundation on how the shipping and transport markets work and where new business perspectives derive from. The course offers advanced knowledge to better comprehend the rapid changes in the transport and shipping market structure and identify their drivers. An international teaching staff of 19 Professors and Lecturers from 8 leading European and US Universities in the fields of shipping and transport will run 24 theoretical and applied lectures and tutorials combining innovative interdisciplinary scientific methods with state-of-the-art case studies, participative business games and workshops. The course will allow participants to gain advanced insight of recent evolutions in transport modeling, economics, planning, policy and management.


The lectures of this one week course cover the following thematic units:

  • New mobility patterns-new modeling and planning concepts
  • Greening urban transport and urban logistics
  • Shipping industry, Intermodality and Ports in a new business environment
  • Air transport and maritime tourism business
  • Latest advances in infrastructure financing methods


The course offers participants an excellent opportunity to explore the key aspects of transport and shipping business through interactions between academia and the business real world. Course participants will get an attendance certificate and a credit certificate upon successful completion of the evaluation. For doctoral programs, the course corresponds to 6 ECTS credits.


This Summer Course is supported by the University of the Aegean’s project “The University of the Aegean, the prominent and driving factor for the economic and social growth of the wide Aegean area” of the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning”, which is co-funded by European Union (European Social Fund) and National Resources.


The course is open to participants on a first come-first served basis. The maximum number of attendants is limited.


For further information:

Academic responsible: Seraphim Kapros (

Secretariat: Dimitra Rafteli (


The “University of the Aegean Summer Schools” are supported by the project «The University of the Aegean, the prominent and driving factor for the economic and social growth of the wide Aegean area» of the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning”, which is co-funded by European Union (European Social Fund) and National Resources.