EU Cohesion and Governance. Cultural dynamics and regional perspectives - GovArt2021
Summer School Workshops Conclusions and Educational Material
Workshop 1: EU external relations and Cohesion, Dr Eleftheria Ftaklaki, PhD cand. Miltos Chatzimanolakis, University of the Aegean ⇒ Link
Workshop 2: EU citizenship, democracy and Cohesion, PhD cand. Eleftheria Terzoudi
& PhD cand. Maro Karamanoli, University of the Aegean ⇒ Link
Workshop 3: Solidarity and Cohesion in the EU, PhD cand. Cleo Chatzidaniil, Maria Lada MA European Studies
& Prof. Panagiotis Grigoriou, University of the Aegean ⇒ Link