Η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση ως ένας διεθνής παράγοντας - Govart2018
The Summer School European Union as an International Actor, will take place at the Meeting Room (1st floor) of Heliotrope Hotel http://www.heliotrope.gr
For the extra activities or events please consult the Summer School Program or the Organisation Committee.

The meeting rooms where the summer school lectures and parallel events will take place provide projection system, PC, air conditioning, wireless network.
- The organizational committee has a discount agrreement with Heliotrope Hotel, in which the lectures of the Summer School will take place.
- There is also the possibility of a room, at the Students' Residence of the University of the Aegean with a low rate agreenent during the Summer School.
-> For the availabilty and rates please contact: Ms Maria Geroulia, email: socd12058@soc.aegean.gr
From Mytilene airport "Odysseas Elytis" to Heliotrope Hotel https://goo.gl/maps/NJiFz6iN1rM2
From Venue (Heliotrope Hotel) to Univeristy of the Aegean (Univeristy Hill) https://goo.gl/maps/Ppia5TU4tuN2
From Venue (Heliotrope Hotel) to Mytilene city centre (Sapfous square) https://goo.gl/maps/SAj4a4RkLQM2
Bus station Mytilene city centre (Sapfous square) : https://goo.gl/maps/n78PoK7v4Mv
Mytilene city buses: http://www.astika-mitilinis.gr/kathimerines
Taxi: +30 22510 23500 +30 22510 25900 +30 22510 22064
Taxiplon: https://itunes.apple.com/gr/app/taxiplon-passenger/id541564631?mt=8
tel: 18222
Police: 100
European Emergency Call Number:122
National Emergency Call Number: 166