Πολιτισμοί, Μεταναστεύσεις, Σύνορα - MigBord2022

ΣΧΟΛΗ ΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΚΩΝ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΩΝ - Τμήμα Κοινωνικής Ανθρωπολογίας και Ιστορίας
4 Ιουλ 2022 έως 14 Ιουλ 2022


Online Workshop
Friday, 28 JANUARY 2022 | Zoom Platform
17.30 – 19.30 Eastern European Time

Webinar (ZOOM) registration Link
In order to attend, please, fill in the online registration form above. After registering you will receive a Zoom link. This link should not be shared with others; it is unique to you.


17.30 – 17.40 Evthymios PAPATAXIARCHIS, Introduction

Round table

Chair: Katerina ROZAKOU

17.40 – 18.00 | Paolo CUTTITTAHumanitarian Migration Management at the Central Mediterranean Border: Between Governmental and Non-Governmental Action

18.00 – 18.20 | Naor BEN-YEHOYADA, Seaborne Rites of Political Baptism in the Central Mediterranean

Break 18.20 – 18.30

18.30 – 18.50 | Michael HERZFELDCold War Borders and the Fluidity of Human Movement Today: The Persistence and Perversity of Crypto-Colonial Logics

18.50 – 19.10 | Sarah GREENFixing Mediterranean Hierarchies through Standards: A Short History of Naming and Classifying Mediterranean Things and Locations

19.10 – 19.30 | Discussion


List of Speakers 

Naor Ben-Yehoyada, Assistant Professor, Columbia University

Paolo Cuttitta, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellow, Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

Sarah Green, Professor, University of Helsinki

Michael Herzfeld, Professor Emeritus, Harvard University

Evthymios Papataxiarchis, Professor Emeritus, University of the Aegean

Katerina Rozakou, Assistant Professor, Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences


Scientific Committees

International Postgraduate Summer School “Cultures, Migrations, Borders”

Observatory of Refugee and Migration Crisis in the Aegean

