2nd International Summer School in Electronic Business - eBiz2014

SCHOOL OF SCIENCES - Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering
25 Jul 2014 to 31 Jul 2014

eBiz 2013 participants wrote:

  • "Great organization! I will definitely spread the word about eBiz"
  • "I would also like to participate in eBiz2014!" 
  • "Better than my expectations!  I met great people and learned many things"
  • “Thank you all for organizing this great event”



During lectures

1146907 304674659676305 496267540 o  P8030314  1097915 304668983010206 599483085 o 

 P1000186  1078682 304668743010230 715914161 o  P7290100 

 P1000206  1146886 304675989676172 1069538477 o  P7290081


After-school activities

1102396 304666753010429 1284833461 o  1102665 307866062690498 268965072 o  1102419 307866222690482 855341598 o 

 1077421 304671809676590 308915243 o  1009694 307865709357200 247064085 o  APGE9576


Late night activities!

965402 304666129677158 702203946 o  1077478 304672479676523 467678572 o  1097248 307866512690453 2104791451 o 

 1091146 304672526343185 1329464050 o  P8030300