Πολιτισμικό Τραύμα: Βία, ριζοσπαστικοποίηση, εξτρεμισμός, και τρομοκρατία - CuTrau2018

1 Αυγ 2018 έως 7 Αυγ 2018

"Cultural Trauma: Violence, Radicalization, Extremism, and Terrorism "

1 Aug 2018 to 7 Aug 2018

Mytilini, Lesvos island, Greece



The aim of the summer school Cultural Trauma: Violence, Radicalization, Extremism, and Terrorism (2018) is twofold:

First, to examine the possible links between cultural trauma and social processes that lead to terrorism. Which are the precipitating and which the prohibiting factors in such processes?

Second, to examine possible links between cultural trauma and violence: What mechanism could turn psychologically traumatic experiences to cultural traumas? What kind of discourses and social settings could turn victims into offenders, thus causing ruptures in the public sphere?    

In this framework, the summer school will provide civil and state agents with a fast-track course in matters concerning (a) prevention of violence and radicalization, and (b) community support to prevent precipitation of violence in civil society.


The Summer School's study activities are structured around three orientations:

1) Theory and case studies: Specific historical events in which cultural trauma is either the cause or the effect of violence. Here, participants will present their research and methodology, helping students and researchers to organize their own research and study of similar cases.  

2) Firsthand experience: The experience of professionals of volunteers who have dealt in the past or still deal with traumatic experiences that can be called “cultural”, such as war events that lead to mass dislocations, widespread ethnic or religious violence, abuse, and exclusion, etc. will significantly contribute to our understanding of the subject matter. 

3) Institutional intervention: Though cultural trauma persists for long periods, institutions such as the EU, the UN, and numerous NGOs have developed various institutional means and processes to deal with cultural traumas that poison bilateral and international relations. Administrators of such background will provide the Summer School with valuable information concerning the ways by which they intervene and negotiate trauma healing.

The students of the Summer School will choose to follow one of the three orientations and, if they wish to obtain the ECTS credits, commit themselves into writing an essay accordingly based upon reading material that will be delivered to them via email or some other electronic means. 


To apply, please complete the online registration form at the following link: 



Language: English

The Summer School provides 7 ECTS to its students


For information please contact to:

Professor Manussos Marangudakis






Σημείωση για τους Έλληνες Σπουδαστές:

Οι Έλληνες σπουδαστές που δεν νοιώθουν έτοιμοι να συγγράψουν την απαιτούμενη Έκθεση στα αγγλικά, έχουν τη δυνατότητα να την συγγράψουν στα ελληνικά, αν επιλέξουν ως επιβλέποντα καθηγητή έναν Έλληνα διδάσκοντα.